Inspired By Excellence
We offer a wide range of high quality gymnastic training & fitness instruction.
The Richmond Olympiad has been serving the Richmond area children with quality gymnastics for 52 years. Our world class staff of professionals provides outstanding instruction. The staff has improved the fitness level and lifestyles of thousands of children. “We are gymnastics and fitness service professionals! Every action we take, every judgment we make is for the welfare of our children and families.”
Meet the Owners
Gordon & Judy Shaw – Founders and Owners of Richmond Olympiad.
Judy and Gordon have B.S. & M.S. degrees in Health & Physical education and have been teaching for 54 years. They taught for both the Richmond and Chesterfield public school systems. In 1970, the first Richmond Olympiad was opened and has since been an integral part in the physical and educational development of tens of thousands of Richmond area children. The Shaw’s are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the gymnastics industry throughout the United States. Their commitment to children and athletic excellence is an inspiration!